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Get Fit with Personal Training in Lansdowne & Springfield, PA

Are you ready to make your health and fitness a priority? Have you been working hard in the gym, but still aren’t seeing the results you want? It might be time to consider personal training in Lansdowne, PA to help you reach your goals. With a thorough understanding of general health, nutrition, and exercises, our personal trainers have the skills to build fitness programs based on the individual needs of each client. This personalized attention ensures you’re focusing on the areas you want and seeing the desired results with each passing week. Maybe you’re looking to build strength. Perhaps you’re training for a competition. Or maybe you just want to focus on fitness and shed some unwanted weight. Whatever your goal, our personal trainers can help you get there. Call Daniel Pope Karate today to schedule your first session.


Working with a Personal Trainer: What to Expect

Working one-on-one with a trainer can seem intimidating, but there’s no reason to feel this way. Your trainer is there to help you through your fitness journey and answer any questions you have. At Daniel Pope Karate, our trainers have extensive knowledge in all things fitness, providing the skills and expertise needed to help you reach your health and wellness goals. A personal trainer will be able to provide all of the following:

Initial Discussion About Goals

We’ll sit down and have a chat about what you’re trying to achieve with your training sessions. Do you want to lose weight? Build muscle mass? Get stronger? Whatever the goal, we’re here to help!

Personalized Training Plan

Once we know what you’re trying to achieve, we’ll work on a training plan for you. This may include exercises to do on your own. It’s important to note that you can’t just come to one training session a week and do nothing else. You’ll have to put in work on your own time. But, don’t worry, we’ll provide instruction on what you should do.

One-On-One Exercise Instruction

During your personal training session, we’ll provide instruction on the proper form for each exercise. We’ll motivate you to work your hardest, give feedback on your progress, and serve as an accountability partner in your journey.

Wellness Education

In addition to our expertise in exercise, we also have knowledge of general health practices and nutrition guidelines to improve your health and wellness on all fronts.

Make Your Health a Priority

Put your health and wellness first and sign up for personal training sessions at our Lansdowne or Springfield, PA location. Please be aware that if one of our trainers suspects that a client has a medical condition that could prevent him or her from safe participation in this type of exercise program, we will refer the client to the proper health care professional for prior clearance before training can begin. Once we get the all clear, we’ll get your training started. We’re ready and waiting to help you meet your goals. Are you ready to work for them? Call us today to schedule your first training session. Now with 2 locations Lansdowne & Springfield, PA Delaware County.

Contact Daniel Pope Karate to Start Your Classes Today!